The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the part of the computer where work gets done. The heart of the computer is the central processing unit or CPU. This device contains all the circuitry that the computer needs to manipulate data and execute instructions.
Therefore, the three Basic of CPU's are:
*control unit- is the components responsible directing the flow of instructions and data within the CPU, it is
actually built of many other selections circuits such as decoder and multiplexors. The decoder
and the multiplexors compose the unit.
- a control unit in general is a central part of the machinery that controls its operations and
organized enough to contain any such unit.
-without the control unit, the computer could not follow directions and might not functions
properly because true of electronics devices that require timing or logical thinking when in
operation and also synchronizing information.
*buses-the information highway for the CPU. Buses are bundles of tiny wires that carry data between
components. The three most important buses are the address, the data, and the control buses.
-it is computing, is a set of physical connections which can be shared by multiple hardware
components in order to communicate with one another.
-the purpose of buses:
*is to reduce the number of pathways.
*is to communicate between the components.
*by carrying out of communications over a single data channel.
-if only two hardware components communicate over the line, it is called hardware port.
-such as:
*serial port-represents the first interfaces to allow computers to exchange information with the outside
*parallel port-like serial port are built into the motherboard. It is also data transmission involve sending
data on a several channel.
*registers-are special memory locations that can be accessed very fast. Three registers are shown:
*instruction register-is a part of CPU's control unit that stores the instruction currently being
executed or decoded.
*the program counter-is incremented automatically after fetching a program instruction, so that
instructions are normally retrieved sequentially.
*accumulator-is a register in which intermediate arithmetic and logic results are stored.
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