Monday, December 12, 2011


                                " THE MOTHERBOARD COMPONENTS"

AGP SLOT- the AGP expansion slot connects AGP video cards to motherboard. Video expansion cards are
                    also known as graphic expansion cards. AGP stands for Accelerated Graphic Port. AGP video
                    cards are capable of a higher data transfer rate than PCI video cards.
PCI SLOT-the Peripheral Component Interconnect slots is commonly known as the PCI slots, refers to a
                  computer bus. The computer bus is used by a computer to connect to a peripheral add-on
                  devices, such as network cards, sound cards, tv tuner, fire wire cards, graphics cards and many
                  other types of extensions cards.
ISA SLOT-An ISA slot is an early types of expansion slot used to connect peripheral cards to a computer's
                  motherboard . ISA stands for Industry Standard Architecture. The original ISA bus slot was 8-
                  bit to coincide with the 8-bit data width of the Intel 8088 processor.
CMOS BATTERY- CMOS BATTERY OR (the Motherboard battery) has a unique purpose in a computer.